
in einem anderen Kreuzfahrtforum habe ich folgendes gelesen und stelle hier den Text rein als Warnung. Weiter unten eine kurze Übersetzung:

SCAM ALERT: Watch out for guy who will ask if you speak English

We arrived Saturday night in Old San Juan a day early for our 7 day eastern carribean. We checked into our hotel then proceded to walk to a bar and a man stopped us asking if we speak English. He stated that he was engineer from Milwaukee and him his dad just got jumped a block outside old San Juan. He stated his dad was in the hospital and he just went to the US embassy and they were closed. He proceded to tell him he needed seven dollars to get back to the hotel. First of all I doubted we would get jumped one block outside Old San Juan and secondly his story sounded too rehearsed. It sounded like he told this story a thousand times I suppose he said it so fast because he could tell I wanted to walk away. I then told them their was no money I could give him, he seemed really distressed when I walk away.

We had a great time and came back to spend one more day in Old San Juan. Sure enough I was walking down the street and the same man in a different outfit approached me asking if I spoke English. I just walked away ignored him somewhat shocked, I later asked a homeless American for directions. I then asked him if he knew this guy asked people if they spoke English and he stated yes, he sees him trying the same scam everyday. This man is in his fourties between 5-11 and 6-1 foot tall. Dirty blond hair with a thin build. Be aware of this scam artist and tell him where go if you see him.


Scheinbar läuft in San Juan ein Mann herum und bettelt um Geld mit der Begründung, dass er und sein Vater überfallen worden wären. Sein Vater wäre nun im Krankenhaus, er hat versucht Hilfe über die Botschaft zu bekommen, diese ist geschlossen und nun hat er kaum mehr Geld und auch keine Ausweise mehr. Woanders habe ich noch gelesen, dass er sogar noch Blut im Gesicht hat. Also bitte Vorsicht, wenn euch dort so jemand begegnet.