wir waren im Nov. 2014 dort und können euch X-CAR Empfehlen in dare es salam

hier mal unser Eindruck :



We can really recommand the rental station from X-Car at Dar City.

Before we went to tansania we had a look at the best rental car offers and also for the best email response time

from most of the rental station at Dar es Salaam.

From most of the big rental companies we never got an answer or the reponse was incomplete and the Price too


From x-car we got a friendly response quickly and the price was half of that from most other companies.

Picking up the car in Dar was no problem, the office was open on Sunday , someone was waiting for us and

had already prepared the contract with all the information which we sent before via email.

I was surpris about the professional service.

The car return was also no problem although we gave the car back with several hours delay.

which we announced via phone before.

And to our surprise they we were driven to the airport, with a short stop at a restaurant without any further fee.

The car had been in a good condition and we never had any problems on our safari trip .

It was a Toyota RAV 4 .

We can absolutely recommend this rental station

