Ja, Du kannst zum Whale Watching:
Einmal Googlen:
With quiete a bit of luck you might see the whales playing in the ocean from the beach of Imbassaí. The whale watching vessel sets out from the beach of Praia do Forte, less than 15 minutes from Imbassai. But first there is a lecture (also in english) about everything you might want to know about the whales.
The trip spans approximately 25 nautical miles and will take around three hours. The excursion will only take place if the weather conditions are suitable. If you suffer from seasickness, pills can be provided free of charge. They guarantee a 97 percent chance that you will see a whale, but if you don't, you will be offered to go again the next day free of charge when there is space available.
The Jubarte Whale can grow up to 13 meters in length and spends the majority of the year in the cold waters of the South Atlantic Ocean. But at the end of June, when winter hits the southern hemisphere the whales migrate to their breeding grounds in the warmer waters of Bahia. There they stay till the end of September and it is an excellent time for whale watching.
The Jubarte whales are usually found in small groups of four to six, so it is likely that when you see one, others will follow.
The price of the excursion is between 60 and 70 euros. Children go for half price.
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