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List of controlled pharmaceutical substances in UAEMay 16 2008UAE has avery strict, zero-tolerance anti-drugs policy. If you can get by withoutmedication, it is safest to leave it at home if you are travelling to orthrough UAE.While many other countries also apply controls to the followingdrugs, UAE is unusual in conducting extremely thorough searches of manytravellers through itsairports, with highly sensitive equipment.If you must take medication, makesure:1. It is not on the banned ‘Narcotics’ list;2. You have a prescription forit – even if you bought it over-the-counter.Key UAE has identified a group ofdrugs with the potential to lead to addiction if not controlled. These arelisted in Schedules to the Federal Law No 14 of 1995, and the medicines whichcome under this classification are divided into the following categories. How adrug will be treated, and the penalties for possession will depend on itsclassification. In certain cases, UAE will take a stricter view of a drug thanother countries might do. In some cases, such as antidepressants, this isbecause the UAE authorities have deemed it to be an addiction risk and haveclassified the drug as a narcotic, where other countries might treat it as a psychotropic.In others, UAE will impose controls on a drug because of its purpose, as in thecase of drugs which can be used to bring about an abortion.Narcotics These areControlled substances under Schedules 1-6 of the UAE Federal Law 14 of 1995.They may not be imported into UAE. Possession of these drugs, with or without aprescription, may lead to a prison sentence. In addition to the medicationslisted below, this category includes cannabis, cocaine and opiates, from herointo poppy seeds (the kind used in everyday baking).Controlled Drugs Class A -Psychotropics These are drugs for which a prescription must be held. The moreverifying paperwork from the authorising doctor which can accompany any drug inthis category, the better. In UAE, they can only be dispensed upon productionof a registered (health authority-approved) prescription. They include somecommon sleeping tablets, painkillers, anti-depressants and hormone replacementtherapyControlled Drugs Class B – Controlled medicines Possession of thesedrugs must be accompanied by a prescription. Many of these drugs are availableover-the-counter in other countries and travellers to or through UAE shouldensure they obtain a prescription before carrying any of these drugs to thatcountry. They include many common cold and cough remediesFrom the GeneralAuthority for Health Services Guide to the Management of Controlled Drugs inthe Private Sector, March 2007This is the most recent, comprehensive list ofcontrolled pharmaceuticals we have been able to find. The UAE does notpublicise this list on any of its diplomatic or ministerial websites. We havewritten to the UAE Ambassador and Customs Minister asking them to do so, sothat travellers can be better prepared before flying to that country.Whileevery effort has been made to verify the contents of this list, where in doubt,we advise travellers to check their medication with the UAE consulate beforetravel.
Narcotic (Active ingredients) Alfentanil Amphetamine Buprenorphone CodeineFentanyl Ketamine Methadone Methyphenidate Morphine PentazocinePethidineRemifentanil SufentanilControlled Drug Class A - Psychotropics (Active ingredients)AcitretinAlprazolam Aripiprazole BromazepamBuprenorphine 200 (microgram tablets and 500microgram injection)Butorphanol Chlopromazine ChlordiazepoxideClobazamClonazepam ClorazepateDiazepam Dihydrocodeine DroperidolFlumazenilFlupentixol Fluphenazine Haloperidol Isotretinoin Lorazepam MedazepamMephenoxalone MidazolamMisoprostol NalbuphineOlanzapine Phenobarbitone PimozidePrazepam Prochlorperazine PropofolProstaglandin Quetiapine RisperidoneSulpirideSultopride Temazepam Thiopentone Tiapride TramadolTrfluoperazineZaleplonZiprasidone Zolpidem ZuclopenhtixolControlled Drug Class B (Active ingredients)Amitriptyline BaclofenBenzhexolBiperidenBuspironeCarisoprodolCitalopramClomipramineCodeineCyclobenzaprineDextromethorphanDiphenoxylateDotheipinDuloxetineEscitalopramEstradiolEthinylestradiolEtonogestrelFluoxetineFlupenthixolFluvoxamineImapramineIsotretoninLithiumCarbonate MaprotilineMenotrophin MeseroloneMethocarbomolMianserin MilnacipranMinaprine Mirtazapine MoclobemideNaltrexone NandroloneNefazodone NorethisteroneNorethisterone NorgetrolNoscapine OctreotideOestradio lOpipramol OrphenadrineOseltamivir OxazepamParoxetine Pholcodine PimecrolimusProcyclidine Propoxyphene(with paracetemol Pyrisuccideanol Reboxetine Sertraline SomatrophineTestosterone Ticlopidine Tizanidine Tretinoin Trimipramine VecuroniumVenlafaxineAppendix 2 Common UAE controlled drugs (Trade names)The following list showssome of the TRADE names of those controlled items that are registered asmedicines in theUAENarcoticsKetalarPhyseptoneRitalinSosegonSubutexUltiva Controlled Drugs Class A - PsychotropicsAbilifyAnexateArthrotecAtivanBarnetilBuccastemClopixolCytotecDeanxitDehydrobenzperidolDemetrinDHCcontinuesDialagDiapamDiprivanDogmatilDormicumDorsilonFrisiumGardinalGenpridHaldolIntravalLargactilLexotanilLimbitrolNeotigasonNobriumNoctranNubainOrapProlixinPropessRisperdalRivotrilSerenaceSeroquelSonataStadolStelazineStemetilStesolidStilnoxTekamTemgesicTiapridalTramalTramundinTranxeneValiumXanaxZaldiarZeldoxZyprexaControlled Drugs Class B123 ColdActifed CompoundActifed DMActivelleAdolColdAdol CompoundAdumbranAkinetonAlgaphanAnafranilAndriolArtaneAthymilAurorixBenxtroneBeproBroncholarBroncholarforteBronchophaneBusparCancoliteCantorCipralexCipramClimenCodaphenCodaphenplusCodilarCodiprontCodisColdex-dDCymbaltaDecadurabolinDecutanDextrocufDextrolagDiarsedDiaxineDictonDistalgesicEdronaxEfexorElidelEstracombEstrofemFaverinFemostonFlexibanFlozakFluanxolFlumedDMadultFluneurinFluoxoneFluranFlutinFluxetylGenotropinInsidonIntardIxelKafosedKemadrinKliogestLagaflexLinzLioresalLomotilLudiomilMenogenMuscadolMyogesicNoracodNorcuronNorditropinNorflexNorgesicNuvaingOxetineParacodolPhensedylPrimotestoneProgylutonProthiadenProvironProzacRemeronRevacodRhinotusselRiaphanRoaccutaneRobaxinRobaxisalRobitussin-CFRomilarSaizenSalipax Sandostatin Saroten Sedofan DM Sedofan-PSeroxatSerzoneSirdaludSomadrylcompoundSt Joseph coughSterandrylStivane Surmontil Sustanon Tamiflu TiclidTixylix Tofranil Trexan Tripofed dm Trisequens Tryptizol Tuscalman Tussifinwith codeine Unified DMVesanoidVirormoneZoloft